I have a male and female conure. They started mating and we didn’t expect them to get any eggs. We have a nesting box and they started acting protective of that box. So we started suspecting that they were to lay an egg. When we got home, we found out that she laid it on the bottom of the cage. We were frantic to find out what to do so we read online (yah not the best) and it said to put it in the box. The female is inside and the male is not letting anyone near the box. what should I do?

Updated On January 3rd, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male | unneutered | 2 years and 11 months old

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Answered By Jessica Desrosiers

Veterinary Technician

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It may be that the egg was actually pushed out of the box as it is not viable. If they will not let you in the box (where there may be other eggs), or the egg is not viable, you can simply remove it. Otherwise, waiting until night when both birds are calmer and quiet may give you a chance to place the egg into the nest.

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