I just bought my betta fish yesterday from a local shop ever since i bought it does not move much and keeps sitting at the bottom of the tank and has not eaten the fish food the owner gave me it keeps flapping its gill rapidly its my first time owning a fish please help... what should i do? Is it sick? How do i get it to eat and move properly?

Updated On March 2nd, 2019

Pet's info: Fish | Betta | Male

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Answered By Dr. Massimo Orioles, DVM, Cert AVP, MRCVS


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These are quite concerning signs. The tank where you place Ale is absolutely inadequate and will soon cause serious consequences. Water Quality and Temperature: Make sure your tank has a filter and especially a heater, room temperature is too cool. They are better off at about 78-82 degrees. If kept too cool, they get lethargic and refuse to eat. Bottled spring or drinking water seems to work out well. Never use distilled water. If kept in dirty and unfiltered water they are prone to fin and tail rot and other bacterial infections. Tank Size and Habitat: Some reccommend a five gallon tank with light filter and heater is perfect They do not like strong water current and should be provided a place near the surface to 'take a load off'.' Petco sells the betta hammocks. Also keep your Betta happy by providing artificial or live floating plants for them to swim around. Feeding Your Betta a Well-Balanced Diet: Betta pellets or high quality flake food. They can be fed every other day without harm. They also do well on the commercially prepared Betta pellets or high quality flake food. 2-3 pellets a day, freeze dried tubifex or blood worms 2-3 times a week, and 3-4 live brine shrimp once weekly (frozen brine shrimp are ok too). A small snail like a tiger or zebra snail can help with the leftovers, but partial water exchanges are imperative to keep them healthy and happy. Any further questions please feel free to ask!

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