My cat is on royal cain so urinary tract food, he had crystals in his urine a couple of months ago. He is not eatting the wet food, but is eatting the dry, i like to give them both. Can i replace the wet with pro plan focus urinary tract heath? Theyhave 4 kinds of cat food, instead of one kind.

Updated On March 5th, 2019

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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The Pro Plan focus urinary is not the same as the therapeutic Royal Canin SO diet and would not necessarily prevent crystal formation in the same way. You could ask your vet about switching, but I generally advise against it. You could try a different brand of therapeutic urinary wet food like Science Diet c/d or Purina UR - he may prefer a different brand. If you do decide to switch after talking to your vet it might be a good idea to recheck a urine sample after he's had the new food for a few weeks to make sure there are no crystals, inflammation or a change in pH after the diet change.

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