Is the smell of Pimafix and a Melafix bad for Tiny? My fish have fungus and fin rot, and from what I heard both medicines contain essential oil/oils (I’m not sure which). It’s kinda of strong.
Updated On March 5th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Chihuahua | Male | unneutered | 1 year and 7 months old | 13 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Melafix contains tea tree oil. Pimafix contains Bay Rum oil. Both can be toxic to dogs, however at the concentration used this is unlikely. Tiny would need to chew up and drink the contents to be at risk of toxicity. Normal use in the tank is safe for him. Keep the bottles out of his reach.
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