My one year-old leopard gecko about a week ago shed and ripped too many layers of skin off her tail and it’s been bleeding and cracking she didn’t drop it off and giving her a bath putting mineral oil on it Neosporin and Vaseline she’s very restless and continuously licks her tail I have her on Eco earth and she still eats and poops and Drinks really good
Updated On March 18th, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Lizard | Female | 4 months and 5 days old | 0.136 lbs
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Pants and including a photo. Are you sure this is from a poor shed or could it be a thermal burn? Check proximity to the heating element. At first, it is recommended to remove all substrate that could stick to the wound, and replace with clean cloth or ReptiCarpet. Applying topical antibiotics are good but adding a systemic antibiotics and analgesia might improve healing. A veterinary visit is needed to prescribe these. Good luck.
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