My female cat hasn't peed in 24hrs. She appears to be drinking, eats her wet and dry food like normal. She appears to be fine. I usually only find 1-2 clumps of pee a day in her litterbox. I cannot afford a vet visit, so if there is anything I can try first before resorting to that

Updated On March 21st, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Female | spayed | 9.5 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


Hello. I hesitate to recommend anything just yet since you say she seems to be fine. If she was unable to urinate, she would be crying, painful, trying to posture & strain to urinate in the litter box. Unfortunately, it may be possible that she is urinating elsewhere, perhaps in the back of a closet or on a pile of laundry. I assume she is also an indoor only cat. Just watch her for now, & if there are any indications that she is having difficulties in the litter box, or she seems to be licking her vaginal area excessively, try to push fluids to her by adding a little extra water to her canned food ( remove the dry for now ) & encouraging her to drink by offering low sodium broths or stock along with very fresh water. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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