My Betta fish has developed a lump under his chin. I got him in February and clean his 5 gallon tank regularly. I was wondering what I can do to fix it

Updated On April 2nd, 2019

Pet's info: Fish | Betta | Male

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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT

Licensed Veterinary Technician

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Maintain pristine water quality via filtration and regular partial water changes. This is the cornerstone for treatment and recovery. Plain aquarium salt (NOT table or Epsom salt) can be used as a general tonic to reduce stress, improve gill function, treat minor infection and aid in recovery. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon of water in a cup or two of tank water and gently pour it into the tank. Treat for 14 days then reassess the condition. If necessary, a broad spectrum antibiotic can be used concurrently. Find one in the aquarium section of the local Petco. Follow label directions carefully and remove the carbon filter insert during treatment if indicated.

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