For linda's next breeding should i breed her to a blue nose pitbull or red nose pitbull?? what color would most likely pop out if she is bred to a rednose ?? what color would most likely pop out if she is bred to a blue nose?? she is black and white What kinda food do i feed her while she is pregnant??
Updated On April 5th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | American Pit Bull Terrier | Female | unspayed | 1 year and 2 months old
Answered By Makenzie Kurth, DVM 213
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Genetics of coat color are complicated in dogs so we can’t help much in that department. I do have some comments about the rest though. First, from an ethical perspective, I feel compelled to let you know that about 40% of dogs and puppies in shelters nation-wide are pit bulls and pit bull mixes. Breeding pit bulls is highly discouraged by most veterinarians since we know that a lot of them end up euthanized or in shelters. If you do decide to proceed, here are some medical suggestions: Female dogs should not be bred until at least 2 years of age to slow them to achieve complete maturity. They are more likely to birth without complications if allowed to do so. They should be fed puppy food while pregnant- unrestricted in the last trimester and while nursing. She’ll need an X-ray at about 45-55 days to determine how many pups she is carrying. That way, you know when all of them have arrived! (Or when to worry if they have not all arrived.) Always have an emergency vet in the back of your mind as well as about $3000-5000 saved in case she needs an emergency C-section. Best wishes to you and Linda!
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