One of my baby budgies cannot fly. He/she never left the breeding box and the mother wanted it to leave, so I brought it inside to look after. It can eat on it's own and used to not be able to perch (now it can). It keeps losing flight feathers and there are no other birds that could be plucking them. It doesn't seem like french moult and none of its relatives have had it. What could be causing the loss of flight feathers? Will it ever fly? The budgie is close to 2 months old. Can I help it?

Updated On April 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Bog and including photos. French molt should still be considered and tested, hopefully negative. Intestinal malabsorption diseases and poor protein can lead to weak feathers and loss. Provide heat support. Good luck.

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