I have a 7 year old female iguana and i am familiar with the pet and I try keeping her healthy. But I always was worried about her not laying eggs. For 7 years she hasn't layed one egg. She has all the sings of being a female, has proper lights (Uvb and heating bulb) and eats well every day. Due to the lack of vets knowing about lizards in my country, I cannot find one. So I really hope you can help me with any advice. Is there a possibility that a female iguana doesn't lay eggs? Thank you a lot
Updated On April 9th, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Iguana | Female | 9 lbs
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Most females will usually lay a clutch of eggs every year when the reach sexual maturity. Not all, however, will do this. Some females will produce eggs, go through the motion of searching for a lay spot then resorb the eggs and not lay any. If she is behaving normally, there is likely no cause for concern. When breeding season approaches, monitor her for egg formation and pro7a lay box. She may eventually lay or not.
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