My kitten is having some gurgling sounds from his stomach. I have a feeling that it is just gas as he has a rather unpleasant smell when the sound arises. But recently I was hearing these sounds and my hand was on his stomach and I could actually feel little pops of air maybe. Is this just gas or something underlying and life threatening. I have tried searching it up but it comes up with either gas bloating or death by parasites.
Updated On April 17th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Birman | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 27 days old | 1lb
Answered By Anna M., DVM 167
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If your kitten is active, playful, and eating and drinking, then I'm not too worried. Your kitten may have overeaten and his GI tract might be working hard on digestion, or there could be intestinal parasites or gas causing the GI sounds. If he is otherwise happy and active, I'd just monitor for now and mention it at his next kitten visit, and bring in a fresh fecal sample for your vet to check for parasites. However, if he's lethargic, vomiting, or not eating, then this should be checked immediately. Hope this helps!
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