My bearded dragon keeps her eyes closed constantly. She typically does not always keep them closed but for the past few days she has just been basking with her eyes completely closed. I tried to touch her and feed her, and she opens them momentarily but then goes back to keeping them closed. The new light is the same light I always use (100W UVB lamp). Even when the light is off, she keeps her eyes mostly closed. Sometimes even just has one eye the third photo

Updated On April 20th, 2019

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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM


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Thank you for reaching out about your beardie, and thank you for the photos - they are very helpful. It looks like your dragon's beard is quite black in the photos - this can be an indication of underlying stress. This is especially true if it is black on a regular basis. Additionally, excessive closing of the eyes can be an indication of weakness or illness. Unfortunately, reptiles are very good at hiding their illness so it can be challenging as an owner to be able to recognize that they don't feel well until they are very sick. Often it is recognized when their appetite decreases or stops altogether. I would recommend having your dragon evaluated by a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination and can also discuss husbandry for your dragon. A large majority of issues that occur with reptiles are related to husbandry, and sometimes it is something that is seemingly minor that ends up causing a big issue. I hope this gives you a place to start, and that your beardie feels better soon.

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