Is a bird feeder detrimental to the health of wild birds?

Updated On April 24th, 2019

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. No, I do not think so. The biggest concern about birdfeeders is how they attract predators including sparrow hawks & cats. Some folks claim we are turning wild birds into seed junkies & this is very bad for their livers ( I am always telling my clients to get their caged budgies & cockatiels off of an all seed diet ). But most wild birds do supplement their diets & do migrate after fueling up on the energy filling seeds. Bad seed ( moldy ) can kill birds with aflatoxin. And the spilled seed can attract vermin which can carry disease. Some folks recommend only feeding during the cold weather to help migratory birds & to only buy the best & freshest seed you can. Cost matters, so stay away from the crappy dollar store bags of bird seed. Thanks for using PetCoach.

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