My cat is vomiting and not eating anything. Not even water. I need a quick solution. I'm giving him "Omidon-domporidon suspension" for his vomiting. Still not that much improve. Please help. I've added a pic of his medicine. Please I need quick support.
Updated On April 29th, 2019
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Answered By Sarah Box, BVSc 147
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I am sorry to hear your cat is not feeling well. If this medication was prescribed by your veterinarian and your cat is still vomiting despite the medication then I would seek veterinary care immediately. If the medication was NOT prescribed by your veterinarian then please do not give any more, and take your cat in for evaluation. You do not mention how old the kitty is-any number of issues could be going on. A foreign body obstruction in the intestinal tract, a gastrointestinal infection, dietary indiscretion, a cancerous process, even renal failure can cause the symptoms you have noted. Your cat needs a thorough physical exam and your vet May recommend some diagnostics such as xrays and bloodwork. I hope your kitty feels better soon.
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