We have a rescue dog we just adopted. She didn't eat much the first two days. Now, the past 2 days, I have fed her twice a day, about half a cup of the same food she was getting when she was being fostered with the rescue. She has eaten her food and immediately thrown up 3 times now. Is there something I can do to prevent this? Today, she threw up in her bed and then ate it all up before I could clean it.

Updated On April 30th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Small (up to 22lb) | Female | spayed

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Answered By Christie Long, DVM

Veterinarian, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist

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Congratulations on making Lucy a part of your family! Vomiting is not something that you can necessarily "prevent" by just changing the way you feed or what you feed - in most cases, it's a sign of a medical problem. In a young dog (You don't mention Lucy's age but I'm assuming she's relatively young) and especially one that just came from a rescue, a parasitic infestation is potentially at play, as it can cause vomiting and also (but not necessarily) diarrhea, and also reduction in appetite. I would encourage you to get Lucy checked out by a vet as soon as possible, in order to rule out a medical problem. The first step is to have the vet send off a fecal sample for testing, and deworm appropriately. He/she might also recommend blood work or even x-rays to make sure there isn't a more serious illness or an intestinal blockage. A bland diet of boiled/unseasoned chicken and boiled white rice might be easier for her to tolerate until you can get her in to be seen.

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