Why my box turtle get lumps on her carapace? It’s hard to tell from the pictures. One is right on her middle top and another one is on the middle bottom back.

Updated On May 12th, 2019

Pet's info: Other | Other Pet - Not Listed | Female | 1.3 lbs

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Answered By Emi Knafo, DVM, DACZM

Veterinarian, Board-Certified Zoological Medicine Specialist

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Hi, you’re right, the lumps are difficult to see in the photos. Lumps on or in a turtle shell can be from a number of things. There can be an underlying metabolic issue like metabolic bone disease (lack of UVB light and imbalance of calcium/phosphorus), or pyramiding, which can be from high protein and low humidity. Infections (bacteria, fungus, some parasites) can also cause shell lumps. Because these issues are all so different, it’s important to have Cookie examined by a veterinarian so they can do some tests and get her on the best treatment, if indicated. Good luck!

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