My cockatiel is 2 month old now and I am still feeding him cerelac by syringe 3times a day.How can i wean it and make it eat by itself ? He’s unable to eat seeds,he drops it whenever he picks it.I put some eggs so he eats,but he rejects it as well.He shouts for his food in syringe!

Updated On May 20th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Cockatiel | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 29 days old | 0.12 lbs

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Pasha and including photos. Cerelac is a carbohydrate source meant to supplement human breast milk. It is poor in protein, essential vitamins and minerals. Start adding pureed vegetables, a legume/bean puree also. Leave it more and more thick, offer via hand so start weaning. Feathers are ruffled probably due to poor nutrition. A veterinary visit is recommended. Good luck.

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