Hi there. I have a hamster that is bleed from his bottom (I think) and is making some weird noises. He is alert and eating and drinking fine but has never made these noises before and also has some blood on his bedding. Cant get him to a vet right now and worried he might go in his sleep. I am unsure as to what to do
Updated On June 16th, 2019
Pet's info: Small Animal | Hamster | Male | unneutered | 0.37 lbs
Answered By Lauren Kennedy, DVM 134
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If you are unable to take Parker to the vet right now you will just need to keep a close eye on him. Change the bedding in his cage frequently so you can determine if the bleeding is getting worse. Also be sure to offer him lots of fresh food and water to encourage him to keep eating. You may also want to try and apply some topical antibiotic ointment to his bottom if that is the area that is affected. I hope this helps. Best of luck. Thanks for using PetCoach.
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