Hi, my 1 year old indie stray male cat puked white foam like thing for the second time. He has been eating. He is active. Can you please check the photos and advice as to what might be the issue and what needs to be done. Thanks
Updated On June 16th, 2019
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Answered By Lauren Kennedy, DVM 134
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Vomiting is a very vague sign and could indicate several different things going on. Some of the more common causes of vomiting include intestinal parasites, gastritis (inflammation of the stomach wall), pancreatitis, dietary indiscretion, or a foreign body/blockage. If your cat has been sick for more than 2 days I would recommend taking him to the vet. He may be dehydrated and need fluids as well as some antinausea medication to help stop the vomiting. Your vet may also want to run some lab work and take x-rays as well. In the meantime, try withholding food (water is ok) for 12-24 hours to see if this helps settle the stomach. When it is time to offer food again you may want to try and feed him something easily digestible like plain boiled chicken and rice and see if he can keep it down. I hope this helps. Thanks for using PetCoach. Best of luck!
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