My tortoise(indian star tortoise,age 9 years)fell from the balcony(about 9 feet).he looks normal but is bleeding from mouth and nose.i think it is internal bleeding.i dont find any reptile vet in my area so can you please suggest me some medicin and cure to stop bleeding.

Updated On July 17th, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Tortoise

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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM


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There is no medicine that you can buy over the counter stop bleeding in a tortoise. If there is internal bleeding it will either stop or not, there is nothing you can do about it unfortunately. You cannot give those medications anyway, unless you know there is actual internal bleeding or you will cause more issues. I'm sorry this happened but there is nothing you can do but either get him to a vet or just wait it out and see how he does. I suggest you try to minimize handling in the next few days as to not stress him and keep him in a calm, quiet area away from any other pets.

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