Dog breed labrador female (3 years old) Doing vomiting with small blood dots in it May be gastric problem No sings of diarrhoea (loose motion) (Not pregnant) In food we give her pedigree ,boiled eggs and chapati Please advice me a good treatment I am a veterinary student and can give her injections if needed

Updated On July 28th, 2019

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Oh dear! The vomiting could be due to many conditions including eating something she shouldn’t have, bacterial over growth, a viral infection, parasites or even organ disease, poisoning or intestinal blockage. The blood could indicate a gastric ulcer, a foreign object in the stomach, stomach worms, a cancer or poisoning. It's impossible to know the cause of the vomiting without some diagnostics testing such as bloodwork and a fecal exam. Radiographs may also be needed. any time a pet vomits blood, I recommend to have them examined by the veterinarian. Potential treatments include drugs to stop vomiting, drugs to treat a potential ulcer and perhaps some sort of fluid therapy. Many times a bland diet can help and then a slow, gradual introduction to the normal food can be done. A bland diet can consist of 25% boiled white meat chicken and 75% boiled white rice. This should all be plain. A good diet in general is Royal Canin. It is low residue and highly digestible. I hope your pup starts feeling better quickly! Please feel free to post any additional questions!

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