When my dog was breathing I heard clicking, his ears are warm, his paws a little bit too. Also he was scratching his mouth, I think he was scratching his teeth. He is 6 years old.
Updated On July 29th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 90 lbs
Answered By Kevin Sanada, DVM 190
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Noises heard while breathing are often coming from the upper airways like the nose, mouth, or throat. Finding the source of the noise would take some investigation by a veterinarian. The fact that he is scratching at his mouth suggests that he has a source of pain in there. This is typically due to dental disease, but can happen for other reasons like having a something stuck in their mouth. It would be worthwhile to take a flashlight and have a good look in his mouth if you feel safe from being bitten. This is a two-person job where someone holds the mouth open while you look with the flashlight. If you don’t find an obvious problem that you can fix, then it would be best to have a veterinarian evaluate him. Many times, we can narrow-down the problem with a simple exam and offer treatment options. The ears and feet being warm may, or may not indicate some inflammation. This can also happen normally if they warm. I hope that helps and all is well with Dash.
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