I am concerned about my budgie who is around 2 years old. He has been quite lethargic and is constantly sleeping with puffed up feathers. He is eating and drinking as normal. However, he has been unable to fly due to a slightly damaged flight feather that has been been by another budgie.

Updated On July 30th, 2019

Pet's info: Bird | Parakeet | Male

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Kiwi. A damage flight feather should not alter flight significantly, as they can fly when they molt. Lethargy and sleeping during the day (to conserve energy) are clinical signs of being sick, the question is why. Providing heat support in the 80-85 F range can give some support. Monitor fecal production by a total cage clean-out. Sick birds often act like they're eating but aren't. A veterinary visit is recommended to assess and provide a diagnostic/treatment plan. Multiple possibilities include ingestion of foreign material (metal, fabric, wood, etc.), metabolic concerns (liver, renal), infections (viral, bacterial) and others. Good luck.

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