My platy fish have been having white/clear poops. I did 4 treatments of API General Cure (about 3 weeks long) and there is no difference. Now one of my platy fish looks thin and his fins seem off. I'm just not sure where to go from here. I've taken them off of the treatment now as advised by a friend. First attached photo is of questionable fish. Second is of the poop (and a picture of a different healthy platy).

Updated On August 16th, 2019

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about your fish. Most of the water additives don't get absorbed systemically since fresh water fish do not drink water. A veterinary visit with a fecal sample is recommended to identify possible parasites and then prescribe a treatment. Most likely the medications needs to be top-coated on food and then eaten. Dosage depends on number of fish and estimated biomass (cumulative weight of fish). Good luck.

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