My african sideneck turtle shell has a green spot inside the shell, do you have any advise on how to treat or what the green may be.? In a article I read of putting the turtle in a dry area and letting them have a 1hr of water/feed time and use mild soap to wash shell (diluted?), povidone iodine (diluted?), and either rub it on shell or let sit with gauze on shell for 10 mins? Also dust their food with calcium..? Abagail (Abby, from Blade), she refuses to bask bt she does eat/have fun swimming
Updated On August 22nd, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Aquatic Turtle | Female | unspayed
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Abby and including photos. She does appear to have a good amount of algae on her shell. Test and correct water quality as high phosphates and too much lighting are often culprits. The shell can be gently scrubbed with water or a mild soap (Dawn dish soap) and then rinsed. Keeping her dry for prolonged periods of time can kill the algae but if water quality not corrected, problem could re-occur. Good luck.
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