Hey! So my turtle (red eared slider) have white stuff around his neck. Is it skin shedding or fungus? I tried to wash him but he won't let me do it. What can i do to remove the white stuff on his neck? He had the white stuff since yesterday.
Updated On August 23rd, 2019
Pet's info: Reptile | Aquatic Turtle
Answered By Todd Cecil 239
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Thanks for reaching out about Jimmy and including a photo, although the photo does not depict white lesions. White lesions could be shed skin but that usually falls off. White lesions can also be infected tissue from bacterial or fungal infecitons. A veterinary visit can help with an assessment and diagnostic/treatment plan. Check and correct water quality as pristine conditions are required for healing and prevention of further problems. Review diet as vitamin A deficiencies can play a part in secondary infections. Good luck.
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Other Answers
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM
I'm sorry but I can't really tell much from the photo. The white areas just look like glare from the photo? I don't see anything concerning. I would not be overly concerned at this stage. I just recommend you completely clean the entire enclosure with a dilute bleach solution (1 part bleach to 10 parts water) and then rinse it thoroughly with regular water. Refill as normal and then just monitor for any abnormalities. If you would like to post again with better photos you are welcome to do so.
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