I have an Indian roofed turtle it has white patches on its top shell and also it has (fungus colour) green coloured patches on starting and ending of the top shell the pattern of on its bottom shell is also fading from a spot , maybe it is shedding its skin from there.I keep the turtle in a tub with normal water and and I keep it in my room I also give him 1 to 2 hours for basking in the sun . I live in Delhi where average temperature nowadays is 27-32C and it is monsoon here . Pls help.

Updated On September 2nd, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Turtle | Male

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Answered By Todd Cecil


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Thanks for reaching out about Bucky and including photos. The white areas are exposed bone and needs to be addressed by a veterinarian. Water must be kept in a pristine condition. A topical antibiotic can be applied in a thin layer but systemic antibiotic are likely needed. Good luck.

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