My bearded dragon which i got 5 days back has something wrong with his one eye (attaching image) Someone told me to rub warm salt water with a q tip on his eye n then rinse with plain water.. i did that.. it got lil better ( attaching image) but now he is unable to open his eye! Im really worried hasn’t eaten anything today, only sitting under his basking spot with his eyes closed. Last pooped today morning

Updated On September 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Reptile | Bearded Dragon | Male | 0.066 lbs

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Answered By Miranda Sadar, DVM, DACZM


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Thank you for reaching out about Charizard, and for including photos - they are very helpful. I wanted to verify that this is the same eye? The reason I ask is that the second photo looks like one is of the right eye and one is of the left eye (unless you inverted the image when posting). Based on the darker appearance of the material and the sagging of the area, it makes me suspicious that there may be an issue with some retained shed skin, or there could be an issue with the eyelids themselves. This should be evaluated by a veterinarian as they will be able to look at the area with some magnification, which may help to determine exactly what the problem is in the area. Due to the decrease in appetite, they can also provide a husbandry evaluation. I would use caution with trying to treat this at home, as due to Charizard's small size, it would be easy to accidentally traumatize the eye. I hope this gives you a place to start, and that Charizard feels better soon!

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