My cat about 3 months old ate a quite big and fat house lizard and also she is not vaccinated yet. What should I do? Will interacting to her can cause problems to my health or is it dangerous?
Updated On October 27th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Asian | Male | unneutered
Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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The cat will not get any viruses from eating a lizard but, she can get intestinal parasites. I suggest you get her vaccinations started and have her dewormed because she needs them but I would not be overly concerned about her eating this one lizard. It should not be harmful to you in any way. I don't know if you are asking specifically about rabies but you do not have to worry about rabies. Reptiles (like lizards) do not get or carry rabies; only mammals.
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