I am very worried about my kitten' s teeth. For a few months now, she's been having extremely bad breathe. I don't need to be near her face and I still smell it. Yesterday one of her canines fell out and there was a bit of blood. Today, a row of teeth on the side of her gums fell out, and I noticed this when I tried brushing her teeth and there was a lot of blood in her mouth. She is 6 months old so I'm not sure if this is normal or not. I attached a photo of the teeth that fell out, please help

Updated On April 10th, 2018

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed | 6 months and 12 days old | 4 lbs

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Answered By Jessica Keay, DVM


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I am sorry to hear about your concerns!!! It sounds like your kitten is of the age when it is getting its final adult teeth (usually 6-7 months) so it is possible your kitty is just losing her baby teeth. When kittens are teething sometimes they do have a bad breath/odor while they are teething. When the teeth fall out we can have some bleeding at the gums as well. If the bleeding was prolonged, your kitty is having trouble eating or is lethargic or pawing at her mouth, I would recommend an exam by the vet to look at the oral cavity to ensure there aren't any signs of infection, a foreign body stuck in the gums, or ulceration. Best of luck to you and Nala!

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