Hi, my leopard gecko has not been opening his eye for almost a month now, I assume he has some remaining eye caps in his eyes, he will open his eyes when I pick him up and it's all white. But since yesterday, I bought the zoomed repti shedding aid for the eye caps removal and sprayed on his eye. Today he left eye remains the same condition, but his right eye appears to have blood on it and he cannot open it fully, I don't know what happened to him and what to do
Updated On April 15th, 2018
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Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Place him in a warm, moist hide or container for about 30 minutes. Make sure there is adequate ventilation and that he doesn't get too cold. This should help remove the eye caps. Geckos usually have problems with the eyelid liner, not caps like snakes. If this is the case or if the cloudiness persists, have him examined by your vet or an experienced herp vet.
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