What can i feed 5-7 weeks old kitten from human food? How do i liter train a kitten? When do kittens usually want to breed?
Updated On April 24th, 2018
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | 2 months and 8 days old
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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No, you cannot feed a kitten human food. They have very specialized nutritional needs, and should only be fed a kitten formulated food. In addition, many human foods are not safe to feed cats, and are toxic if given. Please only give her a kitten formulated food. Cats can go into heat anytime from six months of age, and then they will want to breed. As for litter training, check out our article on this topic. I will put a link below to it. I hope this helps! https://www.petcoach.co/article/litter-box-training-for-your-kitten/
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