I have a two months old alexandrine parrot. He was fine and active 2 days before but now he dosent want to have food. I usually feed him boiled and grinded chana dal(a kind of pulse) and he eats it normally and in a good amount, but from a week he dosent want to eat and runs here and there when he sees me making food for him so i make him feed forcefully with a syringe by holding his beak upwards. His poop also seems normal but sometimes watery. I am worried about him & dunno What to feed him.
Updated On May 19th, 2018
Pet's info: Bird | Unknown - Bird | Male
Answered By Jessica Desrosiers 40
Veterinary Technician
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If Mitthu doesn't want to eat food he is normally interested in, it is always best to have him sen by a vet to make sure there isn't an issue such as illness or injury causing him to not want to eat. Watery stool could be due to the food he is eating, being given too many treats, parasites, or general GI upset. Removing any extras such as excess fruits and veggies for a few days may help clear up the stool, however if he continues to not want to eat or has watery stool, the vet is best. If he checks out healthy, then switching him to a balanced parrot diet (many pet stores will carry commercial feeds that are usually a mix of pellets and various nuts and seeds) can help encourage him to eat more. You can add in some fruits and veggies as treats to help keep him happy and his diet varied.
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