My puppy is 5 weeks old and we just got him a couple days ago. His mother stopped producing milk so we fed him regular cow milk for about a day before we found out that’s actually bad for dogs. We switched him to a puppy replacement milk at Day 2, but the puppy has had very runny and clumpy poops for Days 3 and 4. Is this because of the milk or could it be another reason?
Updated On November 2nd, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Miniature Poodle | Male | unneutered | 1 month and 8 days old | 1lb
Answered By Destini R. Holloway, DVM 87
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Most likely he has loose stools because of the cows milk. Give him about 1-2 days and if the loose stools has not resolved, then its best to get him seen by your vet for treatment. Most puppies however will resovle their loose stools on their own after making the appropriate change in their diet. Some pet will require a course of probiotics prescribed by your vet to get thier GI flora back on track. Best of luck with your pup and I hope that his loose stool resolves soon! Take care. : )
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