Hi I live is Puerto Rico and cannot find a bird vet my cockatiel was in a box with 2 baby chicken chicks he went in the box by itself and didn't want to come out 2 weeks after that he doesn't want to eat and he just sleeps
Updated On November 3rd, 2019
Pet's info: Bird | Cockatiel | Male | 1lb
Answered By Angel Alvarado, LVT 44
Licensed Veterinary Technician
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Ideally, Pedro should be physically examined by a veterinarian. If an avian vet is not available, see the local veterinarian. He or she can contact an avian specialist by phone or online. Place him in his own cage or remove the chicken chicks. It isn't recommended to keep these two species caged together. Offer a mash made with warm water and a handfeeding formula to get him eating. Unflavored PediaLyte can be given via dropper if he will accept it. Keep him warm and as stress free as possible until he sees the doctor.
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