My dogs left ear is very bright red and kind of warm inside. It seems very irritated. Is this some kind of infection or something I can treat at home? We have no after hours vets in the town where we live. Will hydrogen peroxide help at all or Benadryl? I don’t know what could have caused it and she doesn’t seem too irritated by it but it is clearly different than the other ear and quite concerning to me as her mama ❤️ thank you

Updated On November 3rd, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Treeing Walker Coonhound | Female | spayed | 1 year and 3 months old | 70 lbs

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Answered By David Elbeze, DVM, MRCVS


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You should definitely not use hydrogen peroxide as it can cause serious damage to the ear, Benadryl will not help. It's probably an ear infection, often it cannot be seen from the outside. Ear infections are very common in dogs, it is usually caused by either yeast or bacterial disease. the treatment is usually simple and straightforward, you will have to take her to the vet and get the ears checked, then a prescription ear drops will be prescribed according to the infectious agent.

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