Hey Just a few questions I have about my new puppy, first i Used to smoke in my room, then i decided to stop, a month or so later I got a puppy, will the lingering smoke be harmful to the puppy, i keep her crated in my room, were i used to smoke, but it has been a fe months since i have smoked in there. Aslo she seems to be breathing rapidly sometimes at night, is this normal She seems to be perfectly healthy and i have read that breathing rapidly at night can be a number of things, I was jus

Updated On November 4th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Australian Shepherd | Female | unspayed | 6 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Some smoke may still linger in your room so make sure to air out the room as frequently as possible and clean all the surfaces (including walls, drapes, blinds) to help get out any residual smell/smoke. Replacing the rugs may also help. A HEPA air filter may also help a lot because it cleans the air of fine particles very well. Breathing rapidly can be a sign of dreaming but without being able to examine Ruby, it's hard to know if there is pathology. Ruby will need to be examined, started on vaccines and treated for parasites by the veterinarian and this should begin between 6-8 weeks of age. I recommend to record one of these episodes on a video. Bring up this concern to the veterinarian who will watch the video and take a good listen to Ruby's heart and lungs. This will give you a much better idea of normal vs pathology. Congrats on adding Ruby to your family and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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