My 7.5 year old female spayed Boxer has been restless and seems to be experiencing pain/favoring her head and neck. Took her to a vet and they gave her antibiotics and Prednisone, saying it was possibly an autoimmune disorder. She showed improvement for a few days but seems to be reverting back, showing more discomfort/pain. She is generally very happy and seeing her so down is heartbreaking. Should I get a second opinion or some other tests done?

Updated On November 4th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Boxer | Female | spayed | 7 years and 8 months old | 73 lbs

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. Yes, it is time to have some additional diagnostics done. I would definitely recommend starting with x-rays of the head & neck region to rule out cervical arthritis. Blood work & a urinalysis would give a good indication if there is any infection or organ dysfunction ongoing. If necessary, a spinal tap & possibly an MRI may be necessary to diagnose her, but let's start simply & see what an x-ray & blood work show you. I do hope you can have her seen soon & thanks for using PetCoach.

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