A few months ago I took my dog to the vet to get a lump on her neck checked out. The vet took a sample and said it was just a fatty lump. Since then its gotten bigger (from "Large-egg sized" to around about 50% bigger). It hasn't started to cover any more of her neck, more like it has grown "out" a bit more. The lump doesn't appear to be causing my dog problems so I'm not sure whether to take her back to the vet. My dog has just turned 12 and is a mixed terrier breed

Updated On November 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed | Female | spayed | 12 years and 1 month old

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Answered By Dr. Massimo Orioles, DVM, Cert AVP, MRCVS


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Fatty lumps (lipomas) can grow up to considerable size without causing any problem, but in rare cases can turn into malignant masses (liposarcomas). A clinical examination at your local veterinarian is essential torule out this clinical suspicion. Another sampling may be needed. Hope this answer was helpful, but please do not hesitate to contact us again on the forum or by requesting a consultation if you have any more questions or to discuss it any further. If this answer was helpful please let us know, this will be used to improve our service!

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