We have two cats, we just got a rescue dog 2 years old, she is very nervous. She is fine with the cats when walking around but if she is laying down and one approaches her she growls bears her teeth and one time barked. What should I do?

Updated On November 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Catahoula Leopard Dog | Female | spayed | 40 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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It is difficult to give accurate advice in a situation like this because to know the cause, you must be able to read the body language of the pets. Canine aggression is a complex behavior as it can stem from dominance, possessiveness, fear, anxiety, resource guarding or a combination. Most people are not familiar with reading canine body language and training. Because of this, I recommend to work with a professional trainer. Researching on your own will also be helpful. Familiarizing yourself with canine body language and dog training can help you to recognize what your pet is trying to say. You can find many books written on the topic and there is a trainer named Victoria Stilwell who I think is particularly helpful. Best of luck.

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