We have an occasional nocturnal feline visitor who sleeps on our patio to stay dry. We cannot bring this car inside, as we have a greyhound and Siamese and our apartment complex in Philadelphia, PA allows only two pets. Other than offering food and a warm blanket, how can we help this cat? Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mock

Updated On November 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | American Shorthair | Male | 12 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Elizabeth


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Thank you for your questions about Patio Cat. Certainly providing a warm bed and a place to get out of the wind/weather will help. Many people will use a styrofoam cooler with a hole cut out to hold in the heat. Provide fresh food and water. Make the food a high quality such as Royal Canin, Purina ProPlan or Iams. Certainly you can have this cat vaccinated, treated for parasites and even spay/neutered. Outdoor cats can produce many kittens, they can also act as a source of fleas and intestinal worms, cats who are not fixed can also be more prone to fighting and getting injured. Many cities offer programs to help spay, neuter and vaccinate homeless cats and I recommend to look into one of these. I hope this helps and please feel free to post any additional questions.

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