Good day, I took a homeless kitten ( about 7months old) to the vet, they diagnosed him with Panleukopenia and hospitalised him. I wanted to give him a chance to survive but I'm not sure if it is best I put him down. From what I understand I can't let him back in the city garden I found him since his condition will require long time treatment if he survives am I correct? As well he will always be a risk for other cats is this right? I already have a cat so I'm scared to take him in aswell. Help

Updated On November 5th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | unneutered

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Poor Tom. You can try to give him a chance with the vet, as cats who survive for five days with this have a much greater chance of recovery. In most cases, once a cat recovers from FP, it will not infect other cats through direct contact, but some recovered cats can shed the virus in their stool and urine for up to 6 weeks. Make sure your cat is vaccinated against it. If he does survive, no he may not always be a risk to other cats and he may not need long time treatment.

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