Good evening, we are on the tail end of a vomiting/loss of appetite incident with our cat. Tests inconclusive, blood good. Vet thought possible IBD. We explored food allergy and made some changes. He is improving/becoming more like himself. He did develop some diarrhea after a couple doses of buprenorphine which we then stopped. The diarrhea appears to be possibly correcting but on a recheck this eve vet prescribed metronidazole. No fever ?? Possible side effects seem counterintuitive. Thoughts?

Updated On November 6th, 2019

Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Male | neutered | 7.7 lbs

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Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS


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Without seeing Z in person, I can't say what is the best course of treatment for him. I'd trust your vet's decision, but if you do have questions, you can always take him into another vet for a second opinion.

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