The breeder that I'm purchasing a puppy from wants the puppies to go to their new homes a 6 weeks old. I've always heard that 8 weeks old is more ideal. Is it okay to take the puppy home at 6 weeks old?

Updated On November 7th, 2019

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Answered By Daniel Fonza, DVM


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I typically try to encourage breeders to adopt out around 7-8 weeks of age. It comes down to socialization and being around the mom as long as possible. Socialization has been known to begin between 3-6 weeks and if you take the puppy away from the littermates too early, then this benefit of socialization could be harmed. I would encourage the breeder to hold on to the puppy for another 1-2 weeks longer than normal. I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I would be more than happy to help you further.

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