My 4-5 month old kitten has trouble walking, especially with mobility in his back legs. He can walk with them, but his activity levels have decreased as he's been getting bigger and it almost seems like his back legs have grown quicker than his front legs. He almost has a waddle to his walk. He also is sensitive along his spine. Whenever we scratch him along his spine, especially near his joints by his legs, he tends to start licking his lips in either discomfort or pleasure (not sure). Plz help
Updated On November 7th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Domestic Shorthair | Male | unneutered | 5 months old | 5.5 lbs
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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This is not normal at all. You have to have Simba seen by a vet for this problem. Without seeing him in person, I cannot diagnose what is causing this, and therefore cannot suggest a treatment. Please take him into a vet in the morning.
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