My dog has these little blisters all over her body. They don’t seem to bother her but they are causing me anxiety! I have taken her to the vet but all they said was that they didn’t know what they were and thought it was an allergy. They prescribed her an antihistamine with a steroid and they aren’t going away. They are actually spreading on her more now. We have another dog who doesn’t have anything on her so I don’t think it’s contagious.

Updated On November 11th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Mixed Breed Medium (23 - 60lb) | Female | spayed | 9 years and 7 months old | 46 lbs

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Answered By Sara Farmer, DVM


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In your picture this looks kind of like cutaneous mucinosis which is seen in Shar Peis but can also be seen with some other diseases as well. If it is not improving with the prescribed medications you may want to recheck with your vet or ask about referral to a dermatologist or other specialist.

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