I have adopted a stray cat. She had kittens October 4. She is a very good mommy and has hidden her kittens in a very secure place under some sheet metal behind some hay bales. It is supposed to drop below freezing through the night tonight. I am worried about the kittens. Should I try to move them inside, or are they better off with their mother? There is no way I could get her into the house.
Updated On November 11th, 2019
Pet's info: Cat | Mixed Breed | Female | unspayed
Answered By Dr. Melanie, BVSc MS 102
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I would set up a warm bed for them, and put in something like a hot water bottle covered in towels. They are just over four weeks old, and while it's time for them to wean, they are probably better with their mother. If the temperatures keep dropping, however, I would move them indoors.
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