My pet dog (Labrador) 10 months is not eating anything properly since last 14 days. And having some sort of infection. Please help me to cure it out. I want my puppy active and healthy without any problems like before. I'm attaching some photographs of my pet dogs infection. Please identify it and give me the medicines.
Updated On November 12th, 2019
Pet's info: Dog | Labrador Retriever | Male | 10 months and 29 days old | 59.525 lbs
Answered By Ana M, DVM 217
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Thank you for submitting your question regarding Jaguar. PetCoach is meant to give you general veterinary advice. As veterinarians, we cannot diagnose or treat pets that we have not examined in person. So I am happy to guide you, but I cannot legally prescribe any medication for Jaguar. From your pictures, his skin does have the appearance of an infection. This can be due to an allergy to something in his diet (more likely if he has vomiting and diarrhea as well) or the environment. Mites can also cause this appearance as can a fungal infection known as ringworm. His veterinarian will need to examine him and may recommend skin testing. In the meantime, you can bathe him with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner such as an oatmeal or fatty acid based formula to soothe the skin. I hope this information helps!
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