Hello my puppy is golden retriever I have trained her and she know the place where can see go potty sometimes she ask me to go potty. But most of the time she make a lot of accidents in the house. Why?? And I don't know how to tell her that this accidents are wrong??

Updated On November 12th, 2019

Pet's info: Dog | Golden Retriever | Female | 2 months and 19 days old

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Answered By Linda G, MS, DVM


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Hello. You indicate that Odesia is just about 10 weeks of age. She is still a baby, & house training can take weeks to months. So, do not punish her at this age because she can not help it all the time. You must start crate training her so that she learns not to potty where she sleeps, & you can control her whereabouts in the house when you are not with her. If she does not have boundaries, then she will never learn any boundaries. Take her outdoors to potty after she gets up from a nap, before & after she eats & after some indoor play time. As she gets older, you can give her more freedom in the home, but she is just beginning to learn what & where to go. Just have patience, lots & lots of patience. And, if you do catch her in the act of going in the house, scoop her up & rush her out & praise her when she finishes the job outdoors. She will get it pretty soon. Puppies do try our patience, but with time she will learn. Good luck & thanks for using PetCoach.

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