Our dog (2-year-old male, unfixed, 50-lb. unknown breed but looks just like a foxhound) has a very small, pimple-like bump on the back of his ear, right in the little crevice where the back of the ear meets the head. It was skin-coloured when I first checked it but now appears pink in colour. It doesn’t appear to bother him at all, not itchy, etc, but it may be growing slightly (I’ve been monitoring it and it feels a bit larger). Any ideas of what it is likely to be would be greatly appreciated!
Updated On November 13th, 2019
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Answered By Dr. Strydom, DVM 105
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Super cute dog! The photo is bit blurry but I'm guessing it may be a histiocytoma. This is a benign tumor that usually will regress on their own in a few months; common in young dogs. It could also be a cyst (again, probably benign). I personally would just monitor it for now. If it does not go away or it starts to change drastically in anyway then get him to your vet for an exam. Hope this helps. Best wishes!
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